Inclusive Sports Program Billing Changes

Our Inclusive Sports Programs provide opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in various physical activities and sports. These programs help in developing social and physical skills, improving health, and fostering a sense of belonging in the community. However, with the start of a new term in April 2023, some changes will be made to the billing structure of these programs.

Effective from Term 2 2023, participants attending our Inclusive Sports Programs will be charged weekly from the first session that they attend (not including the free come and try), including the Inclusive Championship that takes place at the end of each term. This will all be agreed upon with our Sports Program Managers who will be in touch with you and send through a service agreement. Participants who cannot attend a session are required to submit a cancellation form 24 hours before the session; otherwise, they will be charged. Invoices for these programs will now be sent out at the end of each term instead of monthly.

To make it easy to find, we have put a cancellation form button on every one of its sports pages. Participants can submit this form if they cannot attend a specific or multiple dates, but it must be submitted no later than 24 hours before the start time. You can find the cancellation form if you click on the link here for SA and click on the link here for NSW.

Why have these changes been made?

The reason behind these changes is to ensure that the programs remain sustainable and that One Culture can continue to provide them without having to cancel due to fluctuations in numbers. These changes will also allow us to schedule the appropriate number of staff members to be present on the day of the program.

What do I need to do?

Participants are required to inform us if they will attend a sports program starting from Term 2 and ongoing for future terms. If a participant no longer wishes to attend, a cancellation form does not need to be submitted, nor will the participant be charged unless they start attending again. For SA please complete a enrolment from via the link here and via the link here for NSW.

We hope that these changes are understood, and participants appreciate the reasons for the updates. However, if there are any questions, participants can contact us to discuss further via the link here.

In conclusion, One Culture is taking steps to ensure the sustainability of inclusive sports programs, which are an essential part of building an inclusive community. Participants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the changes and submit the necessary forms to continue attending these programs.


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